Friday 14 February 2020



As our filming environment and location needed to resemble an office, Claremont Fan Court School provided the perfect venue for our filming needs.  In the pictures shown we used school phones and offices/classrooms in the mansion in order to capture each scene in a realistic light. The kitchen used was in the Sixth Form Centre with the 
rest of the scenes being filmed around the school site. This is not due to cost cutting or convenience, it is due to a perfect match for our filming needs.

Due to us working within the school on a daily basis, there wasn't any particularly pressure to get the shots at a specific point in time, however, there were potential issues in place with some of the actors. The main one being their uniform. It would be an issue for actor continuity if we needed to reshoot a character and they had changed the suit that they were wearing.  This was out of our control as we were not able to dictate what they choose to wear to school on a day-to-day basis so we were careful to shoot the scenes we need without the need to go back.

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