Friday 14 February 2020



When creating our films ident, we took into consideration the speed, sound and effectiveness of the ident. We chose to base our ident on the 'Film Five' ident as we were pleased with how it looked and wanted to reproduce it when creating our own version.
We were happy with the final product as it was how we expected it to be before we had begun creating it. It is masked by thunder in the background and zooms into a fully black screen before the opening scene begins. 

When creating this ident, we used photoshop in order to bring our ideas to life. We continuously added layers of different colours so that we were able to achieve the 3D looking effect. When putting it into the editing software (iMovie) we decided that it needed sound and movement for maximum impact. We added a thunder sound effect followed by a zooming in on a black area of the ident which then set the opening scene for us.


  1. Good creative approach with a great result. Add in details about the software used.

  2. Please add the link so that your ident can be viewed from this post.
