Wednesday 9 October 2019


Kezia Williams is a Managing Director, UK, Film at Entertainment One at Entertainment One. She has over 17 years in the film industry and she provided me with knowledge about making a movie stand out from others giving it a unique edge. Kezia Williams explained that, in a congested marketplace, a distributors aim was to position a film in a way that it stood out for its target audiences.Similarly, Chris Besseling offered me a series of insights into how distributors market a film's USP (Unique Selling Point) such as its star cast, its provenance (such as literary adaptation or biopic credentials), its awards and good reviews. I watched a presentation by Kezia Williams, where she explains how distributors work to create a successful marketing campaign for each film. We investigated the aspects of a marketing campaign for a specific recent film such as:
-film website
-film posters
-film trailers
-cross promotion
-news articles

Matt Smith of the FDA tells us that spend m digital has increased enormously. For instance, trailers are now cut to portrait viewing on smart phones. Digital includes all social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc) that work as a synergistic whole in promoting a product. Matt Smith also refers to paid-for marketing as distinct from the free publicity. Social media can generate viral marketing-free publicity.


  • its genre, such as biopic, literary adaptation, sequel
  • its special effects
  • its cast, director
  • awards or reviews

Genre: Action, Crime, Psychological thriller: it is a prequel of further events/ joker movies to come.

The Joker is classed as an Action, Crime and psychological thriller. It is also a prequel to further Batman and Joker rivalry to come. It has many special effects within the movie, containing blood and car crash scenes along with a triple murder on the train which is extremely realistic. Joaquin Phoenix is an extremely talented actor and plays the role extremely well when displaying his mental illness in the movie. He is able to display emotions which are extremely realistic. The director Todd Phillips is also an extremely talented director who manipulates the audience to sympathise with the joker, even when he is killing people and breaking the law.


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