Friday 18 October 2019

RESEARCH: Art of the title: Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse

I chose to research Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse as the opening sequence inticed me. It starts off with the very typical Marvel comic sequence with all the heroes forming into the Marvel logo. 

Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse is an american action/ comedy which is mostly based for 'teens'. The movie has such a fast paced opening with all of the cast and directors credits being displayed before the movie begins. Spider man is actually presented very early on in the movie. The first clip of anything that isn't a comic is Spiderman himself staring into a mirror. It is then followed by bingo balls and extremely short clips of him walking toward the edge of a roof. More credits are displayed, then he jumps. It is evidently known by all audiences that he is Spiderman and there is no harm of him jumping because he is able to swing from webs, however, it is luring the viewer in as it has more action scenes to come.

The use of mis-en-scene is extremely powerful within the opening sequence as it is extremely detailed, yet so rapid. This overall shows the sheer amount of detail displayed, despite there only being flickers of it. The opening switches from comic and real spiderman. This gives two sides to the film not allowing for the viewer to actually know how the movie is about to follow, causing questioning, allowing for the viewer to gain interest in the movie very early on. 

The music comes to a sudden halt straight after Spiderman jumps. It then switches to a man pulling the mask over his face and he begins speaking to the audience. This then ends the exciting build up and the viewers are able to get some information on what is to follow so they are able to assess the current situation within the movie and start guessing about what is to follow. 

1 comment:

  1. You have understood how the title sequence introduces the protagonist, references both the comic and real Spiderman, and signals the action genre.
