Friday 9 October 2020


Jacob Cooper 1720
Claremont Fan Court School 64680

I worked with Harrison Allman-Varty 1702

Our brief was to make the title and opening sequence for a film. The title of our film is 'The Hong Kong Files'. It is based on the current ongoing pandemic caused by 'The Coronavirus'. The movie is a political thriller/ drama. Throughout our film opening we included the necessary credits and gave the audience an insight into the main characters which will be the main focus for the film.  We wanted the pace of the sequence to build throughout to create tension and suspense.

Camera Work - for the entirety of the film opening, I was filming and arranging the mis-en-scene of the scenes. I shared the job of camera man with my working partner as we took multiple shots while filming so we could have lots of variety once editing got underway. We shot many close ups to ensure we were able to convey reactions to introduce characters allowing our audience to be form an early opinion on each of them. 

Editing - The editing of the film was accomplished as a pair. However, with Harrison's expertise, we were able to perfect the movie as we visualised it.  I contributed to the edit by directing the scenes assessing where I thought positive change could be made which would ensure  the piece continued in the right direction.  I was largely involved with the screenplay and the writing of the script. I created a storyboard for the director at the time to follow (whether it be Harrison or myself) which ensured we had all the right footage to avoid re-shooting. 

Directing - Before filming the shots, we thought hard about location.  We needed natural light and a visually pleasing backdrop.  Luckily Claremont Fan Court School worked as a perfect place to film scenes that involved our acting politicians and the need for grand surroundings which included the mansions steps.  This particularly worked well for the press conference.  Weather was also very important for certain scenes.  The day we chose to film crucial scenes involving the healthy minister was a dull day with no sunlight what-so-ever - there was a thick layer of fog surrounding us which supported the feel we were trying to create.  This natural element offered immediate intrigue and drama.  The main door of the building only had white outside of the window. On sharing this scene with friends they became intrigued when the two characters were walking towards the door unsure what was waiting on the other side.

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