Friday 6 December 2019



- TITLE:  The HK Papers

- We reviewed our treatment as we wanted to make our subject matter more dramatic and topical. Newspapers are currently full of the unfolding Coronavirus drama which has offered us a rich source of material. 

- Our cast has now grown and will be bringing in footage taken overseas, but despite the more ambitious scope, we believe we have an achievable and much more visually rich text.


  • Title:  DIA (Death in Action)
  • Logline:         A powerful one or two-sentence statement of the idea being proposed (about 25 words).
  • Synopsis: The agent is a UK MI5 personnel who has died in action and the film opens with the last person standing near the graveyard paying last respects. A movement behind a tree  suggests that someone is watching him. As he peers closely, they disappear. back at the office, the death certificate and post mortem details don't add up.
    when he phones to ask about the autopsy, there are clearly discrepancies in the reports.
    The rookie has to investigate his death and in the process he discovers...?
    Cross cutting at the end to old times with him like laughing with his buddy and he asks whats on your mind for him to respond oh its just something at the office and flashes back so he puts the clues together.
  • Characters:  
  • Rookie Agent: Agent who is required to uncover secrets relative to an agents death.
  • Autopsy Scientist: Scientist who explains that there is no longer access to the body. 
  • MI5 Executive: Gives brief of mission to be completed.
  • The Agent: On hiding throughout the whole movie. Using death as an escape from the role.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work developing your initial ideas further. This looks like a very achievable film opening.
